
Notícias Português

Mercado de hidrogênio verde deve superar gás natural liquefeito até 2030

Estudo da Deloitte indica que setor deverá representar valor global de US$ 1,4 trilhão por ano até 2050; combustível representa grande oportunidade para países em desenvolvimento O mercado global de hidrogênio verde deverá superar o de gás natural liquefeito (GNL) até 2030 e crescer para um valor anual de US$ 1,4 trilhão até 2050, mostra estudo da consultoria Deloitte. A pesquisa indica que a expansão do setor poderá gerar mais de 2 milhões de empregos por ano entre 2030 e 2050.  O mapeamento destaca que o combustível, produzido com o uso de energia renovável e visto como essencial para a agenda de descarbonização, poderá representar uma grande oportunidade para países em desenvolvimento. Essas economias deverão responder por até 70% do valor anual de US$ 1,4 trilhão.  O relatório da Deloitte indica que o hidrogênio verde pode levar a redução de 85 bilhões de toneladas acumuladas de emissões de CO2 até 2050, mais do que o dobro das emissões registradas no mundo em 2021.  O comércio internacional será chave para destravar o potencial completo do mercado de hidrogênio verde, apoiado por uma infraestrutura diversificada de transporte. Regiões que atualmente são capazes de produzir hidrogênio a custos competitivos em quantidades que excedem a demanda interna já estão se posicionando como futuros exportadores.  A Deloitte estima que o comércio global de hidrogênio irá gerar mais de US$ 280 bilhões em receitas anuais de exportações em 2050, com o norte da África se beneficiando da maior fatia (US$ 110 bilhões por ano) graças ao maior potencial da região como exportadora.  O relatório alerta que grandes investimentos deverão ser feitos na cadeia de investimento para otimizar o fornecimento global. O valor acumulado projetado para alcançar as metas de descarbonização até 2050 é de mais de US$ 9 trilhões, incluindo US$ 3,1 trilhões nas economias em desenvolvimento.  De acordo com Bernhard Lorentz, pesquisador da Deloitte Global Consulting Sustainability & Climate Strategy, o investimento anual médio necessário é inferior aos US$ 417 bilhões aportados em 2022 na produção global de óleo e gás. “É apenas uma questão de redirecionar os recursos para fontes de energia renovável. A Deloitte enxerga que o apetite global para grandes investimentos tem crescido.” Fonte:

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Notícias Inglês

Odfjell Oceanwind bringing floating offshore wind power to an industrial scale

An Exclusive Interview with CEO Per Lund in Business Focus Magazine Discover the remarkable strides in floating offshore wind power as we bring you an exclusive interview with our CEO, Per Lund, in the magazine Business Focus. In this captivating piece, Lund shares his insights the mission to revolutionise the renewable energy industry with Odfjell Oceanwind’s Floating Offshore Wind Units (FOWUs). Delve into the innovative technologies and strategies employed by Odfjell Oceanwind as we harness the untapped potential of offshore wind resources. Lund discusses the challenges faced and the ingenious solutions that have propelled us forward, painting a vivid picture of the journey. Explore the economic and environmental implications of floating offshore wind power, from powering industries to reducing carbon emissions. This interview offers valuable perspectives on the future of sustainable energy and its vital role in combating climate change. Download the full interview to gain exclusive access to Per Lund’s inspiring vision and witness the remarkable advancements in floating offshore wind power, shaping a greener and more sustainable future. Fonte:–iidZ7BVsKmpZG_ZaqVunxLKWtiCAtSppOAm4lF41l0SkdmJjXHgf5UzlY8IWfNy7-veQkZYfvtOmS7XeNbGJcxC7RL9z5IQ4jLG6Ck4KzaVUrr8M&utm_content=263321862&utm_source=hs_email

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Notícias Inglês

Scaling green businesses: Next moves for leaders

New challenges—and opportunities—have emerged for green business builders. A set of actions could help companies scale during these uncertain times. The transition to net zero is well underway, but it is not happening fast enough. Growth in key climate technologies, including wind and solar power and electric vehicles (EVs), has helped accelerate decarbonization efforts worldwide. Solutions such as green hydrogen and long-duration energy storage (LDES) are becoming available and, if scaled, could reduce global emissions even further. But the pace of scaling these technologies has not kept up with projections for a warming planet. Governments and companies have done an admirable job developing and deploying climate technologies to date, but a significant acceleration is required to meet net-zero targets—and stave off the most dire effects of climate change. Sidebar About the authors Last year, we released a framework for launching and scaling green businesses, based on our work with both incumbents and start-ups.1 A few of the key actions include leading with game-changing ambition, signing up captive demand before scaling, and building capacity with parallel scaling. In the interim, as the economic and geopolitical backdrop has changed, market dynamics for green business builders have shifted in both nuanced and fundamental ways. On the one hand, capital markets and public-sector institutions have started to galvanize behind green investments. Policy, including the Green Deal Industrial Plan in Europe and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the United States, promises to support companies looking to scale climate technologies. At the same time, inflation, economic uncertainty, and the invasion of Ukraine have all complicated the path to net zero. Three areas have emerged that should now be priorities for those navigating the challenges and seeking opportunities: building up supply chains (often through cross-sector partnerships), proactively addressing an emerging skills gap, and exploring different avenues for financing and investments. Many of the unique challenges to scaling green businesses remain—high capital expenditures on physical assets (compared with building digital businesses), higher short-term costs, and customer education and adoption barriers for many sustainable products. However, the urgency to reach net-zero targets has only grown in many markets, and the industrial economy is now being reinvented around a lower-carbon energy system, circular-economy practices, and other emerging models. Companies that can innovate and scale during these fast-moving, uncertain times could set themselves up for exponential growth. Our analysis shows that growing demand for net-zero offerings could generate $9 trillion to $12 trillion of annual sales by 2030 across 11 value pools, including transport, power, and consumer goods. In this article, we lay out the evolving landscape for scaling climate technologies and explore three areas of potential action for green business builders. A significant scaling gap More than 4,000 companies have set or are in the process of committing to emissions reductions2 and 70-plus countries have set net-zero targets.3 How quickly would key climate technologies need to scale to help meet such goals? To arrive at projections, we conducted an analysis of the current growth trajectory for climate tech relative to current net-zero commitments. Based on our analysis, even mature technologies—including wind and solar power—would need to scale by a factor of six to 14 times faster to remain on track for a 1.5° pathway by 2030 (exhibit).4 Exhibit  Historically, growth in solar and wind has often outpaced projections, and new players entering the market (oil and gas companies, private equity players, and institutional investors, for example) show signs that the current pace of deployment could speed up.5Nevertheless, the potential gap for renewables to meet net-zero targets looks steep. Climate technologies that are high-potential but relatively less advanced in their commercialization (compared with renewables) would need to scale at an even greater rate. Consider hydrogen. Our analysis indicates that supply of green hydrogen, which is produced with renewables, would need to grow by a factor of 200 times. Seven actions for scaling green businesses Scaling climate technologies often requires companies to think and act in bold and innovative ways. While our seven actions for scaling green businesses hold true, they continue to evolve (for a summary of the original framework, see sidebar, “Seven actions for scaling green businesses”). Economic uncertainty, inflation, new public funding, technological risks, and supply chain considerations have altered the landscape for green business building. Actions that have become particularly important for organizations during these volatile times include creatively developing supply chains (including through partnerships), proactively addressing emerging skills gaps in the workforce, and exploring new avenues for financing and investment. Build up the supply chain through cross-sector partnerships Green business building efforts are often supply chain building efforts. For hydrogen-powered vehicles to scale and help decarbonize long-haul freight transport, for example, a supply of hydrogen and hydrogen infrastructure also needs to scale. We are increasingly seeing green business builders develop their supply chains by forging partnerships across sectors and, in some cases, creating a growth strategy with complementary players as collaborators. These partnerships are getting a boost from major climate legislation packages in the United States and the European Union. For example, the IRA in the United States allocates $369 billion for climate and energy spending,6 with a focus on ventures that address critical gaps in the North American supply chain. These collaborations happen upstream, downstream, or horizontally in the value chain. Upstream partnerships are operational partnerships that propel vertical integration. They occur when a company partners far upstream to secure critical supply of a product or service. In one example, the Volkswagen Group announced a joint venture with Umicore,7 a circular-materials technology company, to boost the supply of low-carbon battery materials. The collaborators aim to scale capacity to meet demand for 2.2 million EVs per year. Such a partnership could not only help fortify the supply chain for battery recycling, it could also help solidify demand for players across the EV and energy storage value chains (charging infrastructure, grid storage markets) and help reduce commercial risk for investors. In another example of a large-scale upstream partnership, Dow Chemical and Mura Technology, an advanced-recycling company, announced they will pair up to construct multiple recycling facilities for plastics

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Notícias Inglês

Resilient portfolio growth for energy companies in volatile times

Times are turbulent—and all industries are being affected. That said, energy companies in particular face a number of disruptions from both macroeconomic and energy-specific shocks, including volatility in commodity prices, increased pressure to reduce carbon emissions, and supply chain disruptions. In fact, the majority of current energy and commodity prices are significantly higher and much more volatile than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. Sidebar About the authors History teaches us that energy companies that create and pursue new opportunities during times of crisis are more likely to emerge as winners.1 However, shifting the mindset from merely reacting to volatility to taking the opportunity to thrive can be difficult. Doing so requires not only capturing larger trends but also understanding additional risks that can emerge as new opportunities are pursued. This article explains how leading energy companies can thrive in this challenging environment by getting a better handle on current risk exposures and capturing opportunities to optimize portfolios for long-term, sustainable growth. Europe’s changing energy landscape: An overview According to a recent McKinsey report, the energy transition is creating opportunities for European countries to pivot toward domestic clean-energy production.2 However, the costs of switching to clean energy by 2050, and thus becoming less dependent on fossil fuels sourced from unreliable regions, are estimated at $5.3 trillion.3 The switch to increased renewables thus comes with a price, particularly as it relates to upgrading electric grids, the need for baseload power with hydro pump storage plants, and smarter technology in homes and offices for heating or cooling. Further complicating matters, the energy landscape is becoming increasingly circular, complex, and volatile. For example, the power value chain has changed: consumers have become prosumers as new business models have emerged, and the addition of renewable-energy sources has increased demand and price volatility. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine have had a significant impact on the lives and livelihoods of millions of people and resulted in significant supply chain disruptions. Both have raised the prospect of an economic recession and amplified market volatility affecting energy companies and consumers alike. On this point, a few recent examples of price spikes illustrate the expected increase in volatility. In early 2021, more than 4.3 million homes and businesses across the state of Texas lost power after a polar vortex brought temperatures to a 30-year low.4 Over the course of a week, power prices spiked, jumping from approximately $1,000 per megawatt-hour (MWh) to $9,000 per MWh. In another example, from 2016 to 2020, Australia experienced a significant increase in negative price events, primarily driven by distributed solar photovoltaics (PV). Finally, regional differences are becoming more apparent and will need to be managed. At one point in 2021, power cost more than £2,000 per MWh in the United Kingdom and approximately €100 per MWh in Norway.5 Moving forward, price volatility is expected to further increase because of the higher penetration of intermittent renewables, requiring companies to structure a risk management approach. Playing defense: Structuring a risk management approach Shifting the mindset from surviving to thriving requires companies to play defense—and structure a successful risk management approach—before playing offense. This means understanding the larger trends by collecting the right data, conducting analyses, and then using the results to inform decision making. With these points in mind, companies can take four practical steps to navigate times of uncertainty. Step one: Create transparency around risks Creating transparency requires companies to take a snapshot of their current risks. By building a heat map, companies can break down these risks and determine which should be prioritized (table). In addition, heat maps can illustrate how certain actions can result in additional, previously unseen risks. They can also help leadership understand risk ownership, managing where risks occur in silos. Risk data is not meant to stay in the engine room—it should be taken into the boardroom. A one-page heat map overview can help facilitate this shift by making the risk data understandable at all levels of the organization. Step two: Engage in quantitative modeling Heat maps essentially provide a snapshot of portfolio risk. As a next step, quantitative modeling can illustrate the entire distribution of risk, effectively creating a dynamic portrait. Risks can be quantified through a high-level outside-in analysis, and the models can help company leaders better understand the impact of investment strategies. Such methods are based on risk modeling derived from investment banking after the financial crisis of 2008, during which the industry undertook significant upskilling. Step three: Stress test Once the quantitative models are created, relevant scenarios can be applied to the portfolio with direct indications of how they will affect company finances, and expert projections can be supplemented with simulations to re-create real-world complexities. The results of the stress testing can help shine a light on the probability of disruption as well as possible mitigation efforts. Step four: Ensure risk governance For a company to benefit from sophisticated risk modeling, the results can be presented to the board in an actionable way so that decision making can be based on those results. Many energy companies already have the data and know how to manage it. However, it remains challenging to build a comprehensive view of the portfolio that can be easily communicated to top management and to the board. On this point, the results of stress testing will need to be translated in a way that makes sense—and getting the data right takes significant effort. Through simple, informative dashboards that show the evolution of the portfolio, management boards can be engaged and then decide on a road map to tackle the risks. Playing offense: Pursuing new value chain opportunities Once the risks are fully understood, companies can begin pursuing promising new opportunities, which often entails creating optionality through rapid capital allocation to new business areas and expanding into new value chains. Shifting from playing defense to playing offense is a matter of having the right mindset. Many companies want to weather the storm by covering their bases, but emerging as a winner requires

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São Paulo Expo

Endereço: Rodovia dos Imigrantes, 1,5 km – Vila Água Funda, São Paulo – SP, 04329-900

Acreditando na ampliação bem-sucedida da economia do hidrogênio, criamos um fórum internacional permanente para a discussão de assuntos relacionados com a transição da energia fóssil para energia renovável, onde reuniremos decisores empresariais, políticos e científicos ao longo de toda a cadeia de valor do setor para apresentar novas tecnologias.  

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HD22 - Innovations for the Global Hydrogen Economy (EN)

HD22 - Security of Supply Through Diversification (EN)

HD22 - Green Hydrogen as an Economic Opportunity for Partner Countries

Eletrolise! Tecnologias para Produção de Hidrogênio Verde

Power-2-You: mulheres no mercado de Hidrogênio Verde

Evento: 2º Congresso Brasil-Alemanha de Hidrogênio Verde

Evento: 1º Congresso Brasil-Alemanha de Hidrogênio Verde

Webinar: O papel do Hidrogênio Verde brasileiro na nova geopolítica global da energia – 25/08/2022

Webinar: O Hidrogênio Verde na Alemanha e as oportunidades para o Brasil – 20/10/2022

Webinar: Certificação do Hidrogênio Verde no Brasil – 26/01/2023

Relatório: Hydrogen Dialogue Latin America 2022